Scenario: Escape

Super shrunk stories written for the Headway East London writers’ group Babyshoes. The idea is to compose minimal story signposts for the reader to play with. Titles are prompts agreed by the group

Martin and Heidi had a plan to escape talking to their respective parents on the telephone for any length of time. He’d lie for her and she’d lie for him. It usually worked. 

One Sunday Martin took the call from Heidi’s mother and said she’d gone to the chemist for a pregnancy testing kit. Heidi heard him saying this and started waving a Sabatier kitchen knife in the area around his throat. Martin went on: “We were thinking Bruce for a boy and Sheila for a girl. What do you think?” Heidi’s mother then remembered she’d left the oven on and cut the call.

It was six years before Martin and Heidi got back together after that.

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