Scenario: Fainting Goats

Super shrunk stories written for the Headway East London writers’ group Babyshoes. The idea is to compose minimal story signposts for the reader to play with. Titles are prompts agreed by the group

Goats singer Sam jumped off stage, walked out of the building and down Hope Street towards the proddy cathedral

Do all couples in long-term relationships take part in silly contests with each other? He and Heidi did, thought Martin, just after Heidi had won their latest tussle. The game was called Daft Punk and the object was to name the daftest punk or post-punk band names. Heidi won with Fainting Goats in a close encounter with Martin’s offering, Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel. Both names scored highly on imagery, but Heidi edged it with her story about seeing Fainting Goats one night in 1983 at Liverpool’s Everyman Bistro with her uni pal Sally. As Heidi tells it, on this memorable night Goats singer Sam jumped off stage, walked out of the building and down Hope Street towards the proddy cathedral, still singing into the band’s newly acquired wireless radio microphone. It was a total blindsider. Sam returned five minutes later just as the rest of the Goats finished the bit in the middle where they show off their virtuosity. And that’s how Fainting Goats won Daft Punk, not really for their daft name but for the daft antics they brought with it.

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